Caution! You are investing outside of AFM supervision. No licensing requirement for this activity.
Hofparken Verkoop
Contact Hofparken Verkoop


Benefit from 5% net profit!
The last 3 park lodges from €237.500,-, optionally with enclosed garden, sauna or hot tub!

Always feel free to ask us

To us, it is the most natural thing in the world that we are easily accessible and have answers to all your questions. So let us tell you we are always just a phone call or email away.


Hofparken Sales
Gyroscoopweg 144d
1042 AZ Amsterdam
North Holland
the Netherlands

Telephone 020 -226 19 95


Leave your contact details here and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to schedule the trial sleeping or discuss the terms and conditions!

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Please contact Buno

or one of his other colleagues